Gambling On The Pro-Gridlock Vote

The only non-mass murderers in America who are in possession of a lower approval rating than President Bush are Members of Congress. And when people are asked to explain why, one word comes up more than most.


The public hates that gridlock between the executive and legislative branch’s prevents nearly everything from passing, or even coming up for a vote. It hates that Members endlessly blame each for the gridlock, and are therefore unaccountable. And it hates that the scar tissue from all the gridlock-related blaming ensures — hurray! — more gridlock in the future.

Never one to shy away from test driving a new message, Senator McCain has taken note of this public outrage with gridlock and is closing his campaign with the inspirational theme, “Vote for me…to ensure gridlock.”

I kid you not. Sayeth The Maverick:

“My opponent is out there working out the details with Speaker Pelosi and Senator Harry Reid, their plan’s to raise your taxes, increase spending and concede defeat in Iraq,” said McCain. “We’re not going to let that happen.”

With the campaign entering its closing stretch, McCain was focusing on his core theme that electing Obama would give Democrats complete control of the government, a move he argued would inevitably lead to more government and higher taxes. It’s a message aimed squarely at independent voters in a shrinking number of battleground states that will determine the election’s outcome.

How dare Obama try to fulfill campaign promises for which a majority of Americans are voting!

Now in normal times, that’s not a bad argument for some Independent voters, and fans of the status quo. But I wonder how well it works in a country in which only 26% approve of their President, 16% approve of their Congress and 9% approve of their country’s direction. Maybe THAT country wants to actually put someone in charge, and hold them accountable for successes and failures that they alone own.

Soon enough we will see if McCain’s final (?) messaging gamble pays off.

– Loveland

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