MILF Porn Tube Is Following Me…

MPT…and so is Willow Creek Soap, Franchise Expert and the Mel-O-Glaze Bakery.  Bless Twitter for bringing me such a wealth of social networking opportunities.

In the ongoing debate about the value and the uses of Twitter, add the rapid spam-choking of this communications channel to the “Cons” list.  Most of the entities who have followed me in the last month are clearly seeking to build their follower count or are simply hoping I’ll click on their embedded URL.  In a related trend, I have unfollowed a half dozen people who I thought offered interesting content but turned out to be spammers or who offered so much marginal content that my Tweet box (what is the Twitter analog for an inbox, anyway?) grew clogged.

If it hasn’t happened already, the next thing in the development cycle will be Twitter spam filters.

– Austin

5 thoughts on “MILF Porn Tube Is Following Me…

  1. I wrote a somewhat related post over at the Fast Horse blog this morning.

    The bottom line: Twitter is losing its appeal as it becomes overwhelmed with spammers, but I don’t really care about Twitter. The important part is how Twitter and Facebook and YouTube and blogs have changed the ways we communicate, and those ideas are the important, regardless of what Shiny New Object comes along next.

  2. By the way, you might have just replaced “News Strip Tease” as our most popular destination for misguided boob hunters. Note how quickly this is already soaring up the “top posts” list at the left.

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